The Theatre

An intimate performance space on ground level, delineated by light-blue, floor to ceiling curtains which form the stage or cyclorama and incorporate the backstage and wings.

The seating area is made of comfortable, stackable chairs on four graduated tiers which taper inwards towards the back of the room, allowing for unobstructed views of the stage. A simple yet effective lighting system is available, consisting of four tiered rows of lanterns, all of which are equipped with green, red and yellow gels and reach from the front to the back of the room. Each lantern can be individually operated from within the lighting desk in the back booth. A grand piano is also available for use.

Currently, the adjoining entrance hall and practice room are used as dressing rooms until our extension is built, which will allow disabled access, separate dressing rooms and toilets for performers and audience.

Discounts available via our bursary application.
Please contact us for availability and booking.


Audience: 70

Performers: 20

Crew: 10

Total: 100

Dimensions: W: 8.73m x L:10m + 4m (audience seating area)